Monday, December 5, 2011

Encouraging Notes

Some of the following have been created with a mind and heart to encourage others, even as I have been encouraged by the author of the quotes. Special effects from Photoshop enabled me to "dress them up" a bit, or placed on a photograph I have taken gives them the mood I desire to share. 

If any of these are seen as resources that you can use for yourself or friends, pass this web address along to them.

First, some from Corrie ten Boom, a Holocaust survivor:

Next, D.L. Moody:

How about one from Adam Clarke?

 Next, Vance Havner has often been a favorite:


Then, some of my own poetry or statements:

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sawgrass Lake

A quiet evening.
Short trip to the park.

Leisurely stroll on the boardwalk.

Occasional photos that amounted to something.

Result? Here they are:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Skateboard Animation

Harrison Eulett and his family went to Weedon Island with me. One thing Harrison wanted me to capture with my camera was this trick AND catch the stop action in the air. I think we both did a good job. Don't you?
(Click the photo to see the animation in action)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Without even firing a shot, the Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of our nation, which previously had stretched only from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River. President Thomas Jefferson hired Lewis and Clark to survey the new territory which had been bought. The Gateway Arch commemorates Jefferson’s vision of America’s expansion and the resultant three year adventure.

The Arch is an architectural miracle. Each half by itself makes for two weak links. However, touching at the top seals the strength required for stability and the endurance required for lasting beauty. This 630 foot monument stands magnificently in the sky, and should be a reminder that we who are weak receive needed strength when we reach out and touch Him who reigns above.

Another consideration is that each half by itself would have no support and collapse is inevitable. Marriages often fail because one partner forgets about teamwork.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Little Grand Canyon of Georgia

Providence Canyon, located in western Georgia, is called the “Little Grand Canyon of Georgia”. Uniquely beautiful, the colorful landscape did not really come naturally. Poor farming practices in the 19th century largely contributed to the erosive factors that created these pits and gullies over such a short time frame. Settlers plowed up and down while planting their crops, instead of wisely making rows that should have gone across in tiers.

Considering this, it comes to mind that we often make terrible mistakes in life, errors that cannot be erased and are there for all to see.

We are encouraged, even commanded, in Scripture to confess our faults one to another with the purpose of healing wounded spirits, including our own. To cover up our faults would be akin to dumping truckload after truckload of loose soil into Providence Canyon, thus removing any beauty learned in the process.

God’s ways, however, allow us to obtain a humble spirit, and as time passes on we are enabled to become the source of beauty others may need. Though irretrievable errors may be made in life’s choices, hang onto the fact that hope will always be there, for God can still use us. No matter what!

Example? Simple observation. Look at the photo again.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

David Encouraged Himself In The Lord His God

I'll be honest with you...sometimes it seems absolutely impossible to love the Lord when life offers sour lemons.

But, we don't have to stay in a mode of dissatisfaction. There is an escape, ...if we take it.

Neither you nor I know anyone living totally free of troubles. Their problems may not be visible to us, and they may deceivingly grin to hide it, but difficulties and challenges are most assuredly knocking on their doors at any given moment.

King David is known as "a man after God's own heart". Even before his sin with Bathsheba he had crossed numerous paths of danger and hardships. He succeeded in protecting his sheep from a lion and a bear. This much we know. What remains a mystery is how much effort and cunning it took to win those two battles. We are ignorant of other occasions in which he wrestled with enemies of his flock. It is even possible that some of the sheep were injured or killed before David prevailed. He may have even been injured. All we are aware of is what David tells us. He tells the good stuff.

David's choice of focusing on the blessings of life (revealed in many of the Psalms) are examples of what we should do when feeling defeated. When distraught with the onslaught of troubles...David encouraged himself in the Lord his God" (I Samuel 30:1-6).

Yes, when going through fiery trials it is so easy to blame God. David could have done that. Anybody can do that! Many people have done it so often, never looking back to see what God was doing all along.

If David had blamed God he would have missed out on "Act 2, scene 3", where the hearts of the people of Judah and Israel turn to him and David becomes King.  Because his focus was upon God, not self, he didn't miss out on that particular blessing!

What have we missed out on? Better yet, what will we miss out on if we continually fail to encourage ourselves in the Lord our God? Don't keep looking down in despair at the sour lemons. Instead, look up, then seek for fresh fruit and fresh perspectives that will enable you to be encouraged. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Osprey At Night

I miss seeing the special osprey that roosted in a tree in my front yard for several days. Perhaps I took too many pictures and the annoyance of my clicks "chased" it away. But I got some wonderful photos while taking time to do so. For that, I trust you will also enjoy the beauty I saw. That is the reason for these next few photos.
Notice the marking on the face, similar to a mask. This is all that was needed to know the difference between an osprey and an eagle. Taken at 9:00 pm on February 17th, you know it was very dark outside. But my Nikon P100 draws whatever light is available and utilizes it to make fantastic night shots. Love it! 

Small moon, but still a great shot. A branch towers at an angle at the top of the moon.

Radiant moon directly behind the bird and the barren tree.

Ghostly appearance, wouldn't you say? It was pretty spooky when I was standing with my camera, clicking away, when all of a sudden the osprey must have been glaring down at me with two very, very red eyes. But I was a brave soul and continued doing what I love, capturing the beauty of the moment.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Poem from nearly two years ago

Our love for Christ is manifest
In doing good, that's true.
However, doing good can be
A lie direct from you.

The Bible plainly tells us that
Love must come from the heart,
And sacrifice can ne'er compare,
When obedience is the start.

Obedience takes the Lord's own words,
Implanting them in our soul.
Then growing stronger in our faith,
We've done the truth, our goal.
Tomas Turner, April 18, 2009

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bees, trees, and water fountains

Enjoyed snapping a few photos at lunchtime today. While much of the US of A is under snow, here in Florida blossoms have started to appear. Blossoms mean the world to bees. Today, bees and I shared the same domain. These few photos reveal some of their activity, while displaying some of what I was focusing on.

While on the way home from work I finally stopped to capture a water fountain at night time. I've been thinking about doing this for several weeks, and I am so glad I took the time. You'll probably agree with me. As you can see, I have every reason to be impressed with my Nikon P100. The camera was a wonderful gift from my wonderful wife in April of 2010.